

I always have loved portrait photography. I love making a personal connection with the people I photograph.

The better the connection, the better the portrait. A good photograph of two people can sometimes be more difficult to capture than a single portrait because I am trying to connect with two people at the same time. But, the best double portraits are those that capture an authentic connection between the two people in the picture. They are more likely to be in sync and it is what is happening between the two of them that tells the story.

Black and white photograph by Cindy Geary of two Middle Eastern people in front of their artisanal rugs, for her ‘Two,’ double portrait project.
Black and white photograph by Cindy Geary of two an African couple holding hands, for her ‘Two,’ double portrait project.

My first published photograph, Hands, also often shown as part of my Africa series, was a double portrait, taken of a married couple living in Harrare, Zimbabwe, who invited me into their home.

The quiet affection so evident between these two people created the beauty of this photograph.

Double portraits, at their best, communicate relationship.

Some of these double portraits were included in a limited-edition handmade book of the same title.

Many were shown in a solo show and some of them have been shown as single images in group shows. 

Black and white photograph by Cindy Geary of two men seated together on a couch, for her ‘Two,’ double portrait project.



Winter Garden